Sunday, August 25, 2013

Priesthood Power

Every year I get a blessing from my dad to start the school year.
I remembered this week that I still hadn't gotten one yet.
I was going home over the weekend and figured I would just ask him if he could do it then.
It then dawned on me that I have a husband that holds the same Priesthood that my dad does, and that he could give me a "start of school" blessing.
I asked him if he would and he said of course!

Today I received the blessing and I felt such peace, confidence, and faith. 
I know that whatever happens this school year that it will all be alright.
My Heavenly Father is watching over me, and always will be.
Not to mention I have a wonderful husband who helped me through today and led me along. 
I am so blessed and I can't even begin to express enough thanks.

The Priesthood is real.
I am so thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

5 ways I saw the Lord's hand in my life today:
1. My husband knew what to say and when to say it when I was feeling upset.
2. Validated me in knowing that I am not the only one that feels the way that I do.
3. Received a Priesthood blessing stating everything I needed to hear to help me to calm down and be confident instead of fearful.
4. Drove home safely without any problems.
5. Happened to turn on the TV to the BYU channel and watched a devotional about prayer. Which was an answer to a question/worry I've had in my heart for a while now.

The Lord loves me and He loves you too.

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