I was thinking back today about Junior High and I randomly remembered a certain boy. He was different from everyone else. He wasn't what you would call "normal" in Junior High standards. I'm sure he got made fun of for being who he was and wearing what he wore. I am sure the kids at my school didn't make it easy for him. Then again Junior High isn't easy for anyone...
Although it must have been hard on some days for him I never remember seeing him shut down, close off, or change who he was. He was who he was and he owned it. He didn't let anyone else tell him how he should act or what he should wear. He was a happy, nice, and fun kid who had confidence in himself. I admire that so much. At the time I was too naive and wrapped up in being cool to realize this, but today I gave it some serious thought.
Thank you boy from Junior High for being a shining example for me today of how to be yourself and not let it tear you down just because others may not agree with it!
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