Lately I've been doing a lot of thinking and I came across a few things:
1. My little sister - T - is one of the most loving people I know. I have never met someone who forgives more than she does. She hasn't always had the easiest time in life and has a hard time with friends, but she accepts people for who they are, loves them, and forgives them when they hurt her. She is always there for them and is so loyal. She is such an example to me of this Christ-like behavior. I haven't always treated her the way she deserves, but as I have grown older I have been able to see T for who she really is. She genuinely loves people, helping, being a friend, and having fun. Another think I admire about her is that she has no inhibitions. She loves herself and accepts the way she is. Not many people can say that about themselves. My little sister is one of a kind and I am so grateful I get to be her big sister and to watch her as she succeeds in her life! She is going to do great things!
2. I'm really baby hungry. It probably doesn't help that all of the women/families in the neighborhood are pregnant, just had babies, or already have kids. They are so cute and so fun. I know that J and I just got married and I still want to spend time with him to get to know him more. We are only 22 for heaven's sake! But I do know that we will have babies soon-ish. I graduate in a year and then we'll see what happens from there. Of course it is all in the Lord's hands. He is in charge and He will tell us what He wants us to do. But just as a little preview for you all! This is my husband as a baby:
and this is me as a baby:
I know.....
We are going to have cute children! No wonder I am so excited right? When the time is right it will happen and I know that. I'm excited to be a mom, but I am more excited to see J be a dad! He is so good with kids already. All the kids at church are drawn to him and he is so fun. Watching him be a daddy will be a wonderful thing!
3. I love my family. And I am not just talking about J and I. I am talking about my immediate family - the one I grew up in and the one I married into. Since I've been married I have realized the importance and permanence of the family unit. There is something special about family and the support system that they are. I am so blessed to have a wonderful family on both sides! My family is just starting to grow bigger as we are growing up and getting married, but J's family is already grown and is only getting bigger. J is the baby and so I was the last spouse to come into the family and so now babies will be the only new additions. It is fantastic and I love it! How lucky am I that no matter what I will always have family to support me.
B & B
The Parents!
Boys at Tough Mudder
Mr. and Mrs. Wade ( in 37 days!)
The Waites
I am a blessed girl and I am so happy! I am so glad I married J. He is my best friend and someone I rely on dearly. He is with me through thick and thin. He is wonderful. I love him more than anything - more than I know how to explain.
I honestly would be lost right now without Tyler! Just love that girl!