Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bad Idea...

I ate SOOOOOOOO many salt and vinegar chips.
Now my mouth hurts
and my stomach hurts
and J thinks it is funny....

Oh how I love him :) :) :) :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's Been Too Long

I haven't blogged in a long time.
If I have blogged, it is just quick and seemingly thoughtless.
I have a few minutes so I can write a bit now.
Things are going so well for me!
I am loving my life. 
Thanksgiving is 3 days away.
I leave for Vegas in 24 hours.
I get married in 40 days.

Life is so great!

I have been contemplating the institution of the family. 
It is incredible.
Families are the only things that seem to last.
They are always there for you
They always love you
They want what is best for you.
I don't know about you but I feel so at home when I am with my family. 
I feel like I can be myself no matter what.
I feel safe when I am home. 
I love it.

Now I am in this new phase of life where I get to start my own family.
But how freaking exciting!!!
I'll be able to make my own traditions with the man I love.
I get to be a wife and a mother(later....much later!!).
How incredible!?
I am looking forward to creating a home where my own family feels safe to come back to and to stay for a while.
I can't wait.
40 days seems waaaaaaay too long.
It will come soon enough!!

I am a very happy girl!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

All Smiles

I don't know what else to say...
but I am so in love. 
I have got to be the luckiest girl in the world.
I found the best man.
I have never been treated so well in my entire life.

I know God sent J to me. 
I couldn't make it with anyone else.
I am so happy. 
It is indescribable.
I wish it was December 29th already.
I can't wait!!!!

Nothing like getting to spend forever with your best friend.
55 more days!!

I love him!! <3