Sunday, May 29, 2011

So lately I have had a few things on my mind.

1. My younger brother has autism. People have been asking me how I handle it as a sibling. That made me think because I don't really see my life as being "abnormal". Apparently  it is. So I began to look over my life and the things that I have missed. Have I missed out on things because my brother has a disability? People can go out to eat with their families without having to monitor everything they eat so that they don't throw up or all go in one car to a neighborhood outing. We are rarely all together out in public. We always have to have an escape route. We always have to split up our family in order to unite it. Am I sorry that my brother is the way he is? Yes in part I am. I would never wish a disability or a disorder on someone or someone in their family. It is hard. REALLY HARD. Would I have my family any other way? No. I think that my brother came to us as a blessing in disguise. He makes our family the way it is. We are closely bonded because of him. I love him the way he is. It  has made me a better person and because of him I have been able to reach out to a population of people that I never would have taking such interest in before. My life is forever changed. I don't feel like I have missed out on life. I just experienced different things in life that other people don't. And how many people get a "GOOD MORNING!" from their 15 year old brother every morning you come up the stairs. Or when you cry he hugs you and rubs your back and says, "Oh, it is ok. There, there, there." I don't know what it is like to have a "normal" little brother. But he is normal to me. He is all I know and I am so glad he is my brother. I love him so much.

2. The other thing on my mind is that people need to speak up. If you have opinions let people hear them. If you don't people won't know what you think and your voice will go unnoticed. For example. You are in a meeting and people are taking sides on which ice cream to serve. Chocolate of Vanilla. You don't like Chocolate ice cream and so you would much rather have Vanilla. When they ask you what you think should be served you say you don't care because you aren't trying to cause trouble. WRONG. Tell them that you want Vanilla and defend your opinion. And it is only ice cream so don't get too crazy, but speak up. Now I know that this is a silly example but really... Speak up and let people know what it is on your mind and how you feel. You will feel better and chances are you will be asked for your opinions in the future.

3. Don't forget your past. I was in such a hurry to get out here when I left for college. I needed a change and wanted to know new people. I left everything and everyone I knew up here. I dived into my new life. Which is wonderful, and I had a blast. But now that I am back I realized how much fun I had here at home. I am so lucky to live where I live and know the people I know. Why couldn't I realize this when it was happening to me then? I had a great life here and so many great friends. I am so grateful for the experiences I had prior to going to college. And I wish I wouldn't have taken them for granted. 

Friday, May 20, 2011


I was out running errands with a friend. She was driving. She accidentally locked the keys in the car. Not in the ignition. We were stuck. I called another friend to see if she could come pick us up but that was a no go. She was with her grandma. SO..... next option was to call AAA. Did I mention that it was pouring rain outside. We would have had to wait it out in the cold and rain. Not my idea of fun. As I was checking the car one last time to make sure the doors were all really locked this older gentleman stopped and asked if I was locked out. I replied yes and he said how far away do you live. I told him and he quickly answered with an "I'll drive ya!" This man drove us home and we got in my car and drove to rescue the other with the spare key. What an angel he was. He didn't know us at all and he probably didn't wake up hoping to drive two ladies to their home from their errands.... but he did and it is greatly appreciated. I will most likely never see him again but he forever changed my outlook on small acts of service. It probably seemed small to him,  but it was HUGE to us. Thank you to the man who drove us home!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Singing Ain't For Rookies

My new obsession is "The Voice"

I have all the episodes recorded on my TV so that I can watch them all the time. And I do. I watch them multiple times and I will continue to watch them until it is over. I love it so much. It has brought to me some new loves. Like:

(My most favorite singer on the show. And not to mention, oh my beautiful right?!?!)

(I knew he existed but i didn't FALL in love with him until I watched this show)

(Her voice is so different and so interesting. I love it!)

(Last but certainly not least)

My life is forever changed due to this show. 
I love me some good singing
This show never ceases to surprise me and give me chills.

If you wanna hear some good singing check out this show!!!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

You're Making My Dreams Come True

The first boy I loved is named Nathan. He was my older brother's best friend in elementary school. I really loved him. Ha! First loves! Anyways...... Today I spoke in church and he was there with his mom. He is dating a girl with the same name as me. While I was speaking his mom said, "If things don't work out with that Kimmee, can I have that one?!"
Cute right?! haha! I loved it, and was very flattered. So I had to share the story! It would make my childhood dreams come true! Oh how life changes! I love it, and I love looking back on the good times that I had when I was younger. I love my life.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Things On My Mind

  • I think it is so strange that when you randomly watch an episode of a tv show that you don't normally watch and the next time you watch that show it is the same episode. What are the odds?
  • I don't enjoy divas (not the cup but the actual diva)
  • Why is that when you work out you are hungry all the time? 
  • I love "House"
  • I miss Encore
  • Why do we hold stress in our neck?
  • I am way excited for the Fall semester already
  • I love my job
  • I love Backstreet Boys so much (and I have a secret sort of guilty pleasure crush on Adam Levine-he is so naughty, but I can't help it. And it really had nothing to do with the BSB but I figured that it fit well here.)
  • This is the latest I have stayed up since I moved home and I can hardly keep my eyes open.
  • My roommate gets married tomorrow 
  • I get to speak in church on Sunday and I haven't started writing my talk yet...... I should get on that.
  • I love curves (the gym)
  • I miss singing
  • I have a hunger for a food that is so delicious and it hasn't been quenched in some time. So I never feel satisfied. What could it be?
  • These are my grades for the last semester A A A A A- B
  • I love falling head over heels in love with someone, and the best is when they love you back
  • I miss my best friend. She needs to just come home already
  • Why do we get hooked on weird shows like "House" or "Grey's Anatomy" and we can't miss an episode or our lives will end?
  • Music defines me
  • I don't like being left behind
  • I may be strugglin but I always get by......

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Little Accountant

I went to a family party a few weekends ago and I was talking to my little 6 year old cousin. He informed me that he and his family were going to go to Disneyland and he asked me if I wanted to come. Of course I said yes because I absolutely LOVE Disneyland. It is the happiest place on earth after all! But.... his dad told me that I needed to ask his mom and see what she says. Sooooooo I go in to where his mom is and say,

"Your son invited me to go to Disneyland with you!"

and she said,

"Great! You'll have to buy your own ticket to get there..."

BOO TO THAT! Does she think I am made of money?! haha! I expected that would be the answer. So I went in to tell my cousin that I couldn't come. I walked in and said, 

"She said I had to buy my own ticket!"

and my cousin said,

"That's ok you can just use your allowance!"

I answered,

"You think that will cover it?"

and he replied,

"Yeah! and if you save some you can probably get a souvenir too!"

I just laughed and smiled! It was so cute! Definitely a day brightener, and hopefully my allowance will be enough for me to buy a ticket to go to Disneyland with them and even enough to buy a souvenir! Oh kids just say the darndest things!
This is me and Connor! Isn't he so cute!?