Thursday, December 15, 2011


I haven't written a post about love for awhile so I think that I will today.
I know I have said this before but I find it incredible the way a man loves.
He gives everything completely and fully to one girl. And that amazes me. I think it amazes me 
so much because I am a girl and I know what it is like to love and so I don't think
it is so amazing when girls love it just seems natural to do so.
But then again anytime anyone loves it is amazing regardless if you are male or female.

There is also another aspect about love that i find completely endearing and that is 
loving someone so much that you let them go because you know that you will hold 
them back. And because you love them you want them to succeed
even if that means that you aren't in the picture.
This hurts.
On both ends.
Sometimes though, it is the only way.
When this happens both ends will see later on that it was the best move.
But just because you can't be in love with them forever doesn't
mean that what you had was wrong. Love I feel is never wrong.
Just not right timing.
The fact that one is willing to let go for the sake of the other I think is wonderful.

Things I love:
When boys hug underneath and then pick you up
When boys play guitar
When boys kiss you on the forehead
Boys who have nice hands and when their hands are bigger than yours and yours hands fit
When you hug a boy and you fit inside them
When boys make you laugh
When you can talk about things you love and he listens even if he isn't into it at all
When a boy tolerates something because you love it
When boys wear glasses
When boys teach you something new
When boys get passionate about something that is so trivial and yet they are adorable
When boys drive with one hand and hold your hand with the other

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